
All posts tagged Birth

When can I start Acupuncture to induce labour?

by admin on March 28, 2018 Comments Off on When can I start Acupuncture to induce labour?

“Can you induce labour?”, is a common question to an acupuncturist. The third Trimester can be exciting – with you seeing the finish line in sight. You may begin to think about the birth a lot more and wonder if you’re open to Acupuncture to induce labour. 

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adminWhen can I start Acupuncture to induce labour?

Still Birth: Why giving yourself time to recover is a must.

by admin on July 30, 2017 Comments Off on Still Birth: Why giving yourself time to recover is a must.

Having a Stillbirth is a traumatic event. There’s no other way to describe it. Besides the grief and loss, mourning and dealing with such an event, your body is in a bit of limbo physically. In this article I’ll talk about how Traditional Chinese Medicine would approach helping such a woman.

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adminStill Birth: Why giving yourself time to recover is a must.